Discovering her desire.
I love the sent of a new lover, like a shark smelling blood in the water; I’m uncontrollably drawn to the musk of woman eager to share her sex with me. It is the thrill of discovery that tugs so hard upon my lust. A new lover is like a grand undiscovered treasure, just waiting to be unwrapped and explored. When she is laid bare beneath me, stripped of all the pretenses and trappings of courtship, that moment dear readers is an intoxicating moment of discovery.
Sadly, subsequent couplings are never quite as satisfying as that first mad rush of lust and curiosity. Unchallenged, I quickly grow bored. It’s not that she is a bad lover, per se, or that she is now somehow beneath me and not worthy of my attention. No, not in the least. Sure I have had my share of bad lays, but rather it is more that she holds no new mysteries for me. Like a kid with ADD, raised on too much MTV and pop tarts, I find myself sniffing the air in search of the scent of my next conquest.
Then there are those rare lovers who, upon subsequent couplings, I find myself longing for the next opportunity to explore them. Rather than growing bored, my desire grows. Some of their mysteries have been reveled, only to give me glance at further deeper ones. Like an explorer looking out upon the vast open plains of her sex, there in the distance I can see heights of pleasure and lust that seem *just* out of my reach. I know that if I stretch my being and reach out farther than I have before, I might touch upon them.
A lover who challenges me is a rare and wondrous thing.
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