By The Numbers | ||
![]() | Hours slept before photo: 4
Total hours slept in last 7 days: 32 Number of bruises on currently on my body: 6 From armor: 4 From lovers: 2 Shots espresso drunk before photo: 3 Number of e-mails I have received asking when I will post about the “Top Secret Date”: 6 Pounds I have left to loose: 3 Number of photos received from readers: 10 Number of photos received from readers where they are naked: 5 Number of readers who have asked me to take nude photos of them: 2 | |
Number of lovers slept with in last 12 months: 15 Number of lovers slept with in last 12 months whose last name I remember: 14 Number of lovers slept with in last 12 months whose first AND last name I remember: 10 Amount of rope made in the last 7 days (in feet): 2250 Amount of rope I need to make in the next 7 days (in feet): 2000 Amount of rope made in the last 3 months (in miles) 2.1 Pairs of novelty underwear I own: 1 Number of times I have worn said novelty underwear in last 12 months: 3 Amount of rope currently en-route from Romania to my shop (in pounds): 308.6 Number of propositions received from posting photo of my cock (from women): 10 From men: 0 That I am considering: 2 Number of songs on mix CD from Dancer: 22 Number of songs that made me laugh: 4 Number of songs that made me hard: 16 Number of songs that made me cry: 1 |
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