This week’s Winch Wench came to us via the post office. Well not the wench, per se, but rather the large brown paper box she sent us. We were not sure what to make of it at first. It was not ticking and we were pretty sure that there was no white residue on the box. Upon further inspection we found this written on the outside.

Hmm, who ever sent this to us has been reading the blog for a long time. I have not talked about my D&D gamer friends in quite some time!
Now this posed a slight challenge for us. I have lots and lots of practice hanging cute girls up in the air, but plain brown boxes? Not so much call for box porn, rather there is more call for the porn to be delivered IN said boxes and not be made OF them. But we decided to give it the ol’ college try.

Seems a bit disappointing, yeah? That’s about the time that Tambo suggested we actually open the damn thing and see what was inside. Boy, that girl has all the answers! Let me tell you, dear readers, what was inside was quite possibly the coolest thing I have ever seen. Up to this point we have gotten the odd plate of cookies from a winch wench. Inside this seemingly plain box was not one, not two, not three but FOUR-DOZEN chocolate chip cookies!
There is only one thing you can do when faced with 2 huge containers of cookies.

Of course this did not last long. Eventually we gave into the siren’s call and attacked the cookies.
And so, to dear Raggedy Mandy we at the Abbey (as well as Dancer and the rest of the D&D group) thank you. Your cookies were delightful and were instrumental in sustaining us through the late nights as we crammed for KinkFest. As for your creative packaging? We set aside a wall in the Zen room for posting our collected histories at the Abbey and your note will be the first thing to adorn that space.
Next week's wench has never, ever, EVER been in rope and has begged that Griffin and I be the ones to introduce her to the joys of rope. She even has gone as far as to offer savory treats!
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