The Road Trip
If you were to look at the list of upcoming events on the right side of your screen you will see that Shibaricon is in less than 30 days. This will be the largest rope only kink event in the US and Griffin and I are slated to sell. The question is, how do you get 2 perverts, 10,000 feet of rope and all manner of kinky suspension gear from Seattle to Chicago with out bankrupting the company? The answer? A road trip.
Griffin once told me, “Ya know what the difference between traveling somewhere and having and adventure? The element of risk”
Now just anyone can drive halfway across the US, Griffin and I want an adventure. So we have decided to take a few extra days, see some sites, and see what kinds of trouble we can get into.
The rules:
Never sleep in a national chain hotel
Never eat in a national chain restaurant
Talk to the locals
Tie up as many rope sluts as possible along the way.
No disco tunes
Oh and we will be armed with our laptops and cameras too so there will be updates from the road.

What can you do to help? We would love to meet, eat with, tie up, and possibly crash out on the floors of any readers along the way. Know a great local dive we must see? Let us know!
Farmer’s daughters and hay bales strongly encouraged.
So far the only set in stone event? Griffin insists that we stop at Mt. Rushmore. Why you ask? Is it his burning patriotism? His want to see the heads of dead presidents represented in stone? No I can assure you that his motivation is a bit south of the waistband. I’ll share that with you as this trip takes more shape.
Oh and for those of you who are wondering, “what about the girls?” Well they got smart and booked plane tickets as soon as they heard us contemplate the idea.
UPDATE: The route posted here is our "Proposed" route. We are taking extra time so that we can detour off this route and see things / people along the way.
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