You can never go back
I bumped into an ex lover today.
While we parted ways a long time ago and agreed that should we ever run into each other in public it would be an event marked with hugs and fondness, I could not help but leave the meeting feeling, well a bit odd.
No, there wasn’t any residual weirdness or drama; rather I left wondering just what it was about this person that used to make me so hot for her. It must have been something, lord knows we had some great times together, however when I looked at her I…I just could not see it.
A wise friend once described relationships as “a delicious friction between two people”. Something about that other person rubs you just so and makes that heat needed to fuel a romance. However, the act of rubbing that surface both generates the heat as well as wears away at the friction point till both surfaces are forever changed.
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