Monday, July 18, 2005

Yesterday I came home from the shop to find Tambo with her nose buried in the new Harry Potter book. Like many of you she too pre-ordered it and made sure that all her chores were done well before the mailman delivered the much-anticipated tome to her door. Now I came home from the shop pretty late, 9 or so, and after some kisses and chatting she set back to her book while I set to the pile of rope I had brought with me with ends in need of my attention. And there she sat till well into the wee hours of the morning.

That must be one damn good book.

How good you ask? Well this morning while the coffee was brewing I took a peek at the first chapter. Just a peek mind you. I’m far too busy this week to get sucked into a book.

Next thing I knew was 20 pages in and wanting more. Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

I’m thinking that she will be done with it by the time we leave for Thunder in the Mountains and I’ll read it on the plane. Of course at this rate she will probably be done with it by the time I post this.

Speaking of work, the Thunder deathmarch is almost complete! A few more late nights and we will be ready to go. Oh I will warn you now, we have had a huge run on crimson rope. We can't seem to make it fast enough these days. If you are going to Thunder and want crimson rope, BUY IT EARLY! We don't have much on hand for this show. The good news however is that we just got in our FULL shipment from Europe. After an almost 3 month wait we now have over 1800 pounds of raw rope in the shop! I’ll ask Tambo to take a photo of it all tomorrow, that is if we can get her to put that damn book down long enough.