Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Tambo and I love movies. Escaping the real world and hiding out in a darkened theater is just about the perfect way to spend a rainy (or sweltering) Seattle afternoon. Especially if you are supposed to be at work. We do however have different tastes when it comes to film. Normally we swap as to who gets to pick the movie, but in light of the pre-shibaricon deathmarch and me being generally a walking rope making machine for the past 6 weeks, I’ve been indulging her every cinematic whim.

Ouch, the things we do for the people we love.

Let me recap, Pirates of the Caribbean 3? Sucked ass through a straw. Too many characters, too much cgi and a plot that felt like every morning the director would come onto the set and wave about a napkin covered in crayon scribbles and announce that this was to be the day’s new shooting script.

Spiderman 3? Ouch. I love the director Sam Rami. Really I do. I think the man is a visual genius and have loved his work since Evil Dead (I even supported him when he did For The Love of the Game, thank you) but damn, dude what happened? Your visual flair looks like it was swiped off a Playstation? And Venom? Oh man, don’t get me started… I don’t even like the Spiderman mythology that much and I’m offended.

I think her next pick will be The Transformers movie… shudder. (To her defense she does pick some great ones too, but she has a weak spot for the summer blockbuster)

If nothing else, even a bad movie with someone you love is time well spent. We usually spend at least the length of the film having a fantastic time trashing it over coffee afterwards.

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