Friday, September 07, 2007

Reader Porn!
Sophia, a wicked darling of a girl, just sent along a little something to help “inspire” me during my recovery period. In her own words: “I spent almost three hours whipping rope ends on Tuesday. I now have enough rope to suspend someone. (Borrowing rope will only do when you are at the very beginning stages of learning.)
I can't help but wonder if working for Monk would be anything like this?”

And folks wonder why her name is on the short list of folks I’m planning on doing something terrible to as soon as I get out of this damned sling?

Now while I do also happen to have a cage in my office that has housed many a naked girl, but never a naked girl whipping the ends of rope. Hmm, perhaps I should re-think my production strategy in this arena. Lord knows that we always seem to be behind in the whipping department. I wonder what OSHA would have to say about this? As long as she was wearing protective footwear I think we may be ok.

In all seriousness, if you like the shot you may want to check out more photography by Sophia’s Daddy, . He has a show coming up in Seattle soon.

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