Wednesday, August 17, 2005

5 Things Every Boy Should Have in His Wardrobe
(if he wants to be popular with the opposite sex)

1)A well worn, but no shabby, pair of Levi’s 501 blue jeans that fit snug.
Yes, if you must succumb to the lure of the “Kinkster’s Uniform” at the very least make damn sure you look good in it.

2)A conservative gray or blue suit.
Black will also work here, but be sure to spent a little money here and get something well tailored to fit you. Pick something timeless, a solid standby that is not prone to the whims of fashion. This will come in handy when you need to meet her parents for the first time or that big job interview.
3)An Expensive pair of black wingtips.
Again, timeless. Spend the extra cash and they will last forever.
4)A black button down dress shirt
Quite possibly the most versatile item in a well dressed boy’s wardrobe. Akin to a woman’s “little black dress”, wear it with those jeans for that semi casual first date or under the suit for that “Formal, but not my father” look.

5)A utlikilt.
Trust me on this one.