we need a sign...

we need a sign...
Originally uploaded by Mr Monk
that reads "welcome to the abbey, tend to your taint...no double dipping please"
not exactly sure how or why this came to live at the front doors of my shop, but it seems fitting.
that reads "welcome to the abbey, tend to your taint...no double dipping please"
not exactly sure how or why this came to live at the front doors of my shop, but it seems fitting.
It was 20 years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play...
So tomorrow is a very big day for Tambo and I. Now while I spend some time and creative energy writing about why tomorrow is so cool I should give you some backstory. This post is one of my all time favorites, the tale of how I met and started dating my dearest, most awesome wife. Originally Posted Monday, April 26 2004
ATTN Oregon Readers, I need your help!
If you are in Oregon (around the Eugene/Springfield area), please be on the lookout for a STOLEN PICKUP TRUCK--the primary vehicle for the Pepper Conduit theme camp, containing all of our gear, half our food, all of our drinking water, and our shade structures (not to mention personal clothing and wine and tequila). It's a dark blue 1985 Nissan King Cab, with a tall, unusually shaped white canopy and a spare tire on the left rear wheel. Canopy extends pickup bed almost 2 feet in the back, and the canopy has its own taillights.
Was stolen from Junction City, Oregon, sometime between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Thursday, August 21st, 2008. When last seen, it had Washington plates, a Burning Man symbol on the lower right rear canopy door, a small sticker of an octopus on left rear corner of canopy, and racks on top of the canopy.
The truck contains nothing of monetary value, but it does contain some items that are of extreme sentimental value to owners. Namely, our entire theme camp.
The theft has been reported, but it has destroyed our vacation plans. IF YOU SEE THIS TRUCK, please call local police
Labels: random
Another How-To Video!
Labels: instruction, video
my big kitty Rez. the once grand hunter and king of the neighborhood about to enjoy some squid in gravy.... really ill get back to blogging about bondage and sez soon.
If hell had a waiting room this is what it would look like. Dull beige walls with a duller off white pillars for "accent" boarder a dull carpet, one of those long wear jobs with dull geometric patterns in non offensive colors that makes you not want to stare at it too long and hides the occasional coffee stain. We sit in row after row of mildly uncomfortable chairs, all a dull yet non threatening shade of blue and wait...
Labels: non kinky life
Doing my civic duty
Post Birthday Recovery
My outfit for the party, note the pants in their un ripped glory.
my god what a great party. amazing people, great play and one destroyed pair of leather pants. I am so very blessed
I've been mining my old photography archives and sharing some of the memorable ones as of late. Here is another, circa 2002
Oh man, talk about a mind bender....
A funny thing happened on the way to the hard point last night…
Labels: non kinky life, tambo